Friends of Padre Beach Report 12/06/2016

By Tyler Thorsen

via Jeff Wolda


Air Temp: 58

Water Temp: 65

Waves: 1-2 ft

Water: Dirty the length of the beach

Weed: None

Driving: Excellent


Finally had a break in the weather so I headed south.  Beach is hard packed and driving doesn’t get any better.  Water is very dirty to the 3rd bar but was trying to clear in a few spots at low tide.  It looks like winter is arriving tomorrow night so there’s one more day to get out there and enjoy it. 

Beach combing is still excellent as the high water has all the debris pushed up to the vegetation line.  Fishing is still decent.  Saw several bull reds being caught on bait.  I stopped in one spot and threw a silver spoon and caught a red.



Birds: (very few on the beach today)

 Royal Tern

Caspian Tern


Double Crested Cormorant

Brown Pelican

White Tailed Hawk

Blue Heron


Little Blue Heron

Turkey Vulture

Great White Heron



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