FoP Beach Report 11/23/2015
By Tyler Thorsen
Friends of Padre made a trip down PINS yesterday to check on current conditions. Driving was excellent at low tide, but tough at high tide as the water covered the beach in some areas restricting driving onto the high road. Very minimal sargassum observed on the beach. The surf was rough due to the strong northerly winds. Reports of redfish and jacks being caught. There is a large amount of wood debris on the beach including very large trees. These trees make driving difficult in some areas as many are located across the low and middle roads. No red tide aerosols were noted, although some foamy reddish water was observed along the second sand bar. This may have been the result of the wind-driven high surf rather than the presence of red tide. Three dead cownose rays were seen on the beach although no other dead fish were present. Mullet were present, although they were holding close to the bottom and were not easily seen. With winds expected to switch and build throughout the week, the surf will remain up. Birds observed: Great Blue Heron Crested Caracara Aplomado Falcon Sanderling Red Knot Piping Plover Semi-palmated Plover Black-bellied Plover Ruddy Turnstone Willet Long-billed Curlew Whimbrel Laughing Gull Ring-billed Gull Herring Gull Franklin's Gull Least Tern Caspian Tern Royal Tern Sandwich Tern Brown Pelican Cormorant