Friends of Padre Beach Report 1/26/2014
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Driving was good the entire length of the beach front. Water was murky inshore the Northern 54 miles and green the Southern 6 miles. Very little feeding activity was observed and this was restricted to small Terns. No fish activity was observed. Some sargassum entangled in yellow whip coral was observed in the Little Shell while the remainder of the beach was weed free. Some wildlife was observed. Royal, Caspian and Foresters Terns were observed along with a min. of shorebirds and larger species of gulls. 29 Long Billed Curlews were observed. Beach combing was fair with very high numbers of starfish and Angel Wings on the south end of the beach. Water was cold. Water was attempting to clear but will not have necessary time to do so before the arrival of the next cold frontal passage.
A merlin enjoying the afternoon.
Dead Sea Turtle