Friends of Padre Beach Report 6/03/2015
By 2
Via Captain Billy Sandifer
Water is clear from the end of the pavement to the jetties. Mullet of various sizes are present from one end to the other. 13 large Jack Crevalle were seen feeding at the water’s edge from the 30 to the 50 mile. Trout were seen but hard to entice with a lure due to the full moon. Driving is very good the entire length. Birds were as per the last report with the exception of the arrival of 15,000 Black Terns in the afternoon. The majority of these were from the end of the pavement to the 18 mile. Scattered small shoals of Dusky Anchovies on both the North end and South of the 45 mile beach. Stingrays were present all along the beach.
Here's one of the jacks right on the bank
A hard fight and a quick release.