Friends of Padre Beach Report 8/13/2015
By Tyler Thorsen
Via Captain Billy Sandifer Water was green and warm from one end of the beach to the other. Mullet were present in large numbers in some areas but were present in varying numbers the entire length of the beach. One very large shoal of Anchovies were spotted far offshore of the 39 mi. beach with a very large number of fishing eating birds working them. The early morning surf was glassed off with lite WNW winds. Around 11:00 the wind swapped around to ESE and blew 10-15 mph. Driving is great North of the 39 mile and South of there areas of soft sand were encountered frequently. Blue crabs were abundant in the surf South of the 30 mi.
The only fish we know of being caught were Whiting, Shark pups and Skipjacks. Fishing was very slow. Probably due to the West wind in the a.m. Birds observed included the first Black-bellied Plovers returning from nesting, 1 Spotted Sandpiper, scattered “peep” Sandpipers and small Plover, Wilson’s Plover, 2 White-tailed Hawks, 3 Caracara, 23 Dark Ibis, 4 Black Skimmers, 2 Cattle Egrets, 1 Golden-crowned Night Heron, Ruddy Turnstones, Willets and Sanderlings. Thousands of Black Terns remained along with good numbers of Caspian, Royal, Sandwich, Foresters, and Least Terns. Laughing Gulls were present in good numbers as were Brown Pelicans, occasional Great Blue Herons and Long-Billed Curlews. Here's a video from the North Mansfield Jetty.